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WAC Vacancies & Application

The Wyandotte Creek GSA Board is looking to fill upcoming vacant seats on the Advisory Committee (WAC). The following positions will be appointed or reappointed at the next regular Wyandotte Creek GSA Board Meeting:

  • Agricultural Groundwater Users, 3 positions  (Terms Ends: 12/31/28)

Interested applicants need to complete and submit an application (provided below) for consideration for appointment to the Wyandotte Creek GSA WAC. The Wyandotte Creek GSA Board is responsible for these appointments as further described in the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JPA) Establishing the  Wyandotte Creek Groundwater Sustainability Agency and the Wyandotte Creek GSA Advisory Committee Charter . Copies of these documents are available for review,  click here.

 Applications for all open WAC positions are due by 12:00 p.m. on February 7th, 2025.

WC-GSA StakeholderAC Overview & Application_2023.pdfWC-GSA StakeholderAC Application Only_Word version.docx

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